Funding and Fees
At Muddy Boots Nursery we provide care for children aged from 2 to 4 years old.
Opening hours are 8am till 6pm Monday to Friday for 51 weeks of the year. We’re closed for the Christmas week and bank holidays.
Early Educational Funding:
Muddy Boots offer early education funding for 2-year-olds of working parents, and 3 and 4 year olds. This gives provision from the term after a child’s second birthday up until school age.
We offer free early education funding for 2-year-olds of families who receive additional Government support.
For all 2-year-olds and 3 and 4 year olds who are eligible for funded hours, we only offer ‘Stretched Funding’
We do not offer term time only funding.
Hours: We offer AM & PM sessions or a full day.
Morning 8am till 1pm (Inc.b/fast & snack) £39
Afternoon Session 1pm till 6pm (Incl. snack) £38
Full day £70
Full week £310
Extra Hour £8
Sustainability charge: For each funded session your child attends there will be a charge of £1.50 to cover consumables and activities that are not covered in the Early Years Funding.
Sustainability charge will not apply to families who receive the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
We understand flexibility is important to families and will try to be flexible as much as possible to support you.
Each week we send an email to parents offering a 30% discount off fees if the nursery has the space.
Shift Booking:
Required hours should be in by 1pm every Monday of the preceding week at the latest.
Extra Hours:
Can be booked in advance of the following week, to be requested by 1pm on the Monday.
Fees Payment:
Fees are paid monthly in advance. All booked hours are to be paid even if your child does not attend. To terminate your child’s booking, please give us 4 weeks’ notice.
Additional Charges
Joining fee
• We only ask for a registration fee of £30, this is non-refundable.
• Fees are to be paid by the 10th of each month.
Emergency Childcare
• We offer emergency one off bookings and, if available, will request a £15 registration fee.
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